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The video game The Campsite, although it has complicated graphics, has a lot of fans. Try and play it. You will ...
The Campsite
There is definitely something off about this house. It looks just like a regular home, with nicely furnished rooms and ...
Did you have at least one strange toy when you were small? A toy that evoked fear. The one you didn’t want. Well, we ...
Mom Is Gone is a short but at the same time impressive and striking horror. Probably, this is what you wanted to see? ...
Mom is Gone
There is a special type of horror games. The type that makes us recall the greatest fears of our childhood. Some are ...
Read to play with a big soft rabbit? Well, here you go! Because this game is an entire Playhouse! However, the rabbit ...
When your own house turns into a playground, a hellish playground commanded by a horrible creature, it is not the best ...
This game allows you not only to have fun but also to think about the eternal. It features a very original plot, isn't ...
The Death of Me
The presented horror title is a story-based one, so if you are one of those feasters who like great stories combined ...

Mr. Hopps Playhouse Game Online

The time has come to immerse into your darkest childhood fears. The game called Mr. Hopps Playhouse is a nightmarish adventure of a young girl called Ruby. He has a toy – a stuffed Bubby made for her by one of her relatives. However, this is not a usual toy and you will find out this very soon. The rabbit looks a bit strange – he is in no ways cute or adorable. His face is not friendly at all – the expression is pretty bloodthirsty and the eyes are truly mad. No wonder that Ruby is afraid of Mr. Hopps – he really looks like a monster, not your soft friend to sleep with. Being possessed by thoughts about Hopps and afraid of him, Ruby cannot go to bed. Her father doesn’t want to hear anything about Hopps’ cruel and frightening nature. When the girl complains to him, dad doesn’t pay attention and even says that she must not think and say anything bad about the gift of Nana, her grandma. So he leaves the girl one on one with the toy and goes away.

Gladly, the night lights are on, so Ruby can see the rabbit. At least, this might make her a bit calmer. Or not. There are problems with electricity and the light starts blinking. At one of the dark moments, Hopps suddenly disappears. Ta-dah! The best traditions of horror plots are present here. So there is a great suspense now – you cannot see your enemy, but there is a feeling that he is somewhere near. Somewhere in the dark, hiding and watching you. This is exactly what happens, so you are not paranoid. And Ruby was right! Scared to death, she decides to go to her parent’s room, but the house seems unnaturally large and tangles. She walks through the corridors and enters the rooms, but it seems like the house became endless and she cannot find the way to parent’s bedroom that easily. Hopps is here for sure and she will meet him not one time. Ruby must be careful – a direct confrontation with the rabbit will kill her. This is not something you want to happen, right?
During your journey around the endless house, you need to be very careful. Don’t make any noises – Hopps is a rabbit and he has ear large enough to hear the slightest squeeze of the wooden floor. What is even worse, Ruby is not the tidiest girl on earth, so she has her toys thrown on the floor all around the house. If you will step on one of the toys, it will make a noise and your safety level will fall. Making too many noises attract undesired attention of your enemy. And he will gladly tear you into pieces! This game with a stuffed bunny is not for those who have weak nerves. Start playing now and try to end this nightmare with a violent toy!